Why Laser Eye Surgery Is Ideal For All Competitive Sports Participants

Why Laser Eye Surgery Is Ideal For All Competitive Sports Participants

For any person who loves playing competitive sports, and who also has imperfect vision, the impracticalities of wearing glasses or even contact lenses whilst competing means that they often consider laser eye surgery. Apart from the inconvenience and cost of replacing broken glasses and lost contact lenses, there are also risks in playing sports whilst wearing either of those vision correction aids.

With glasses, there is a risk of them being smashed due to a blow to the face, and the glass cutting the person’s face, or worse, causing a severe injury to their eye. There is also the chance that an opponent is cut due to a piece of the broken glass coming into contact with their skin.

Contact lenses might not pose the same injury risk, but whilst playing competitive sports they could be dislodged or damaged due to an impact. In addition, there is always the perennial risk of bacteria attaching themselves to the lens due to playing in muddy or dusty sports fields, increasing the risk of an eye infection.
